Monday, February 14, 2011

Down but not Completely Out...

According to the 2010 Schott 50 State Report on Public Education and Black Males only 37% of Black males graduate from Florida's high schools, causing Florida to be ranked 49th in the country. As a parent of a young black male I find this statistic disturbing, as should everyone. Perhaps these young men feel that the educational system is not designed for them, and they would be correct.  However, it is possible for them to successfully navigate the system and achieve success.  It will take a concerted effort on all our parts to address the deficiencies that cause Black males to disengage from the educational system and sometimes from the mainstream of life.


  1. It certainly does appear that our educational system is lopsided in its treatment of minority students. What do you think would be the most crucial step to take in correcting this issue?

  2. That thought has been resonating with me, as well, since the results were highlighted.

    My best to you.

    Dr. Lue Stewart
